
Men’s Ministries

Dealing with real men issues through open discussions with no topic being left off the table. Teaching and developing all men (young, old, single and married) to be present and future leaders. Encouraging and building each other up as we deal with day-to-day concerns. We accomplish this through prayer, discipleship, bible study, leadership development, mentoring, accountability groups, and fellowship outings.

Women’s Ministries

Ministering to the hurt, unforgiving, and the self-esteem to build up and restore the princess within to walk as the woman that God has called us to be. Building one another up in the body of Christ with love and integrity stretched to great lengths. United as powerful praying Proverbs 31 women setting the example on how to live holy for the next generation women. Topics that are discussed include relationships, health, wholeness and other pertinent issues. In the spring and summer months the women meet three times a week for their walking ministry to minister to the physical body.

Youth Ministries

Equipping, preparing, supporting, and encouraging our future leaders to live a life that is Christ-like. Through active, engaging, purposeful, and spiritual participation our youth will have the tools and methods they need to conquer some of the issues they face today such as; peer pressure, depression, bullying, self-esteem issues, stress, etc. With the inspired Word of God, our youth will be able to reach their lost peers and make disciples of their own.
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